Galaxy A8 – Double Page Spread

Samsung ultra-slim galaxy A3, A5 and A7 hit market on December, last year. Now, with their perfect sales, its the time for Galaxy A8, slimmest yet smartphone by Samsung.Samsung Galaxy A8 is, as per the company, is for the buyers who love ultra-slim phones that comes up with good features. A few months back, they…

Camera Angles and Frames

Here are some shots I clicked for that camera angles project! Over the shoulder shot   Bird’s eye view   High angle shot   Worms view   Mid shot Extreme close shot   Two people shot Static shot  

Camera Tricks – Experimenting with settings

In college, we made the lightbox. This is how we made it. We took a shoe box, attached a battery powered flash light inside it and then used butter paper to cover the shoe box. Repeating the steps, we made another lightbox. And then placed the boxes in such a way that it gets us…

Technology Montage

Well, I was told now to make a montageĀ for the genre I chose. Since its technology, I collected pictures related to technology for the motage, mostly from wikimedia. I searched for top companies related to IT, top social networking service and trending gadgets and compiled them all together to make a fine montage. Here is…

Mindmapping for Tekcosa Logo

Tekcosa, as I’ve discussed before is the name of my magazine. And since I’m done with the name of the magazine, I have to move forward and make a logo for my magazine. Since this is going to be a technology magazine, I have to bring an effect of technology and electricity in the logo…

Logo Research

For the magazine logo, I took a few logos from the Google images and tried to analyze them one by one. I analyzed the types of fonts used in the logo and the icon that is attached with the logo. Plus, I’ve researched into the color combinations used by the magazines and websites on their…

Sans-serif Vs. Serif Fonts – Presentation

And here’s a presentation on sans-serif and serif fonts, including their origin, uses etc. Check out the embeded slideshow below. And drop your comments in the box below.

Brief and Foundation

Main task: the front page, contents and double-page spread of a new magazine. All images and text used in the main task must be original and produced by the candidate.

Why I chose Media Studies?

Well, I don’t know, to be very honest. I had no idea what Media Studies is even after getting admission in BCCG. Why? Because in KIMS, Media Studies was not a subject. So, I was never exposed to this thing. When I was talking to the principal of this school, I told him about my…

Hey, there! This is moii first post ^_^

Uhmm.. I just joined Beaconhouse and I’m told to get a blog up and write something on it! Well, I really have no idea what am I supposed to write.. So, I’m gonna write some random stuff about me. The title, the theme and all that stuff reflects how less I’m aware of these blogs/websites…