
For those of you who do not understand what intertextuality is, it’s pretty simple: intertextuality refers to the connections that one sees between two or more art works (textual, musical or visual).  While some might argue that authors, musicians, and artists create the links between their works and those of other artists, we have learned…

Verisimilitude- Explained

Verisimilitude is the “lifelikeness” or believability of a work of fiction. The word comes from Latin: verum meaning truth and similis meaning similar.[1] Language philosopher Steve Neale distinguishes between two types: cultural verisimilitude, meaning plausibility of the fictional work within the cultural and/or historical context of the real world, outside of the work; and generic verisimilitude, meaning plausibility of a fictional work within the bounds of its…

Birdman Poster – Final Product

Here are the final poster produced of Birdman. I had to illustrate the bird all over again and reach this final product. I hope you guys like it. Stay tuned. I’ll be uploading the behind the scenes of this poster pretty soon.