Logo Research

For the magazine logo, I took a few logos from the Google images and tried to analyze them one by one.

I analyzed the types of fonts used in the logo and the icon that is attached with the logo. Plus, I’ve researched into the color combinations used by the magazines and websites on their logos to better understand how logos are originated and what they reflect.

For example, in the logo of Amazon which is display below, I’ve researched on the colors and fonts. And the best thing that I’ve seen in the logo so far is that arrow that points from to z. This reflects that the website amazon contains products from a to z.


Also, in the logo of Google, there are unique set of color combinations used which has become a sign of Google. Even if tthere’s nothing written, the color can themself reflects that the logo is of Google.

And Facebook on the other hand have always used a blue color with f written in smaller case. The reason behind facebook always using a blue color is because Mark Zuckerburg, the founder of Facebook, is color blind and blue is the only color he can see properly. But this eventually led to something revoluationary. The blue color reflects Facebook.

The use of logos in accordance to the colors, fonts and icons or art is an important thing. This reflects the company or the magazine.

Below are some of the logos I’ve done research on. And these logos are all related to IT industry, the genre I’m interested in.




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