Why I chose Media Studies?

Well, I don’t know, to be very honest. I had no idea what Media Studies is even after getting admission in BCCG. Why? Because in KIMS, Media Studies was not a subject. So, I was never exposed to this thing.
When I was talking to the principal of this school, I told him about my skills and stuff and he recommended me to opt for Media Studies. He was like, “You’re pretty good at web blogging and other stuff. Why don’t you opt for Media Studies as well?”
I had no answer because I told you, I had no idea about this subject. So, he kinda put me in Media Studies as well. He thought I can make it.
So, here I am. I took like 3 classes and Media Studies doesn’t sound difficult to me. At least, not yet. We’re given a project to make a web blog.. and let me tell one thing. I’ve been doing this web stuff for more than 4 years now. Web blogging is like a piece of cake for me.
I wish they gave us projects to make android applications and stuff :’D But, idk. I’m not getting projects like that until my 5th semester of Bachelors program.
Anyways, I already completed the task. So, I’ll hit you up later sometime. Bubye. And yeah, keep coming. I love you. Know that.

Image Credits: FlowTv

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