Illustrator Project – Angelina Jolie

Well, since everyone’s posting this way, here are some steps I followed to make Angelina Jolie look hot. I created a blank Illustrator project, got a random picture from Google and cropped it. Here’s the picture I used: I wanted to make her face visible only as selected every piece of hair is really a…

Sans-serif Vs. Serif Fonts – Presentation

And here’s a presentation on sans-serif and serif fonts, including their origin, uses etc. Check out the embeded slideshow below. And drop your comments in the box below.

Brief and Foundation

Main task: the front page, contents and double-page spread of a new magazine. All images and text used in the main task must be original and produced by the candidate.

Why I chose Media Studies?

Well, I don’t know, to be very honest. I had no idea what Media Studies is even after getting admission in BCCG. Why? Because in KIMS, Media Studies was not a subject. So, I was never exposed to this thing. When I was talking to the principal of this school, I told him about my…

Hey, there! This is moii first post ^_^

Uhmm.. I just joined Beaconhouse and I’m told to get a blog up and write something on it! Well, I really have no idea what am I supposed to write.. So, I’m gonna write some random stuff about me. The title, the theme and all that stuff reflects how less I’m aware of these blogs/websites…